Get Email Content
Get the metadata and content of an email. Only attachment metadata is included, use the Get Email Attachment
endpoint to get the raw attachment. Only available for valid emails.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
The id of the email that this email is a reply to, as passed in the In-Reply-To
header. If null
, this email is not a reply to another email
A list of ids of emails that precede this email in a conversation thread, as passed in the References
header. If null
, this email is not part of a conversation thread
The message id of the email, as passed in the Message-ID
header. This is not the same as the BotMailRoom email id but rather is an id used by email clients and servers to identify emails
The plain text content of the email. Can be null
if the email is only available in html
The html content of the email. Can be null
if the email is only available in plain text
If true
, html
and plain_text
are alternative representations of the same content
Metadata about the attachments of the email, does not include the actual attachment data. Use the relevant get attachment endpoints to retrieve the attachment data